chat rules
Yo, chill out, dude!
Da chat's fer chillin' n' relaxin'. So... if sumone ain't chill, just ignore 'em. Ya can hit dat mute button if ya click on da person in da chat. If someone starts swearin', don't go cursin' back, dat way ya avoid gettin' banned yourself.
Pickin' a chat name
Chat names ain't allowed ta discriminate, be sexual, underage, advertise, or contain names of famous folks.
Got trouble with a chatter?
Jus' mute dat person, den their messages won't show up on da scroll. Ya can also always report 'em to a mod.
No VPN use allowed
Connectin' through proxy/VPN ain't allowed. Connections from outside da Netherlands or Belgium get rejected.
No advertisin' allowed
Ya ain't allowed ta promote other websites, products, or services. Even mentionin' other chats gets ya an instant ban.
Repeatin' texts (Floodin')
Floodin', or repeatin' da same text over n' over ain't allowed.
No excessive capslock
Don't go overboard with capslock or shift key.
Referrin' to other social media.
Sendin' invites to social media like Skype, Facebook, Kik, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc. ain't allowed.
Never share contact info!
Never give personal info or contact details to strangers in da chat, even in private convos. If ya wanna meet outside da chat, meet up in public places.
Sharin' others' private info
Besides not sharin' yer own private info in da chat, it ain't allowed with others' either.
Unwanted requests for private messages or askin' for 'em
Ain't allowed ta send private messages if da person says they ain't interested.
NO sexual contact or arrangements with minors
It's strictly forbidden ta approach underage chatters fer sexual contact or arrangements. If caught, it's reported directly ta da police. Also, reported ta da child porn hotline.
Cursin', bullyin', and discriminatin'
No cursin' with diseases or other nasty stuff. No discriminatin', racist, or offensive remarks.
Photos and Videos
Copyin' and usin' photos and/or videos from others ain't allowed. Material on da internet is protected and ya can't just use it without permission.
Examples of warnings and/or bans believes every chatter deserves an explanation why they're banned from da chat. If ya get banned, ya always see da reason. Here are some examples of warnings or bans ya might expect from our moderators or AI moderation system if ya don't respect da chat rules.
- All caps => ** Please turn off ya capslock. Typin' in all caps is like yellin' in a chat! **
- Floodin' => ** Please don't keep repeatin' da same texts! It's really annoyin' for yer fellow chatters. **
- Choosin' Own/Other Room 'cause of requests => ** Can we kindly ask ya to make yer own room or go to another, so da lobby stays free from requests? Thanks in advance. **
- Don't make a private room until chat partner agrees => ** Dear chatter, please only make a private room after yer chat partner agrees for a private chat. Unsolicited invites are annoying, and keep da room list cleaner. **
- Baselessly callin' someone Fake => ** Please don't baselessly call someone fake. If it ain't true, it's really offensive. **
- Don't nag if chatter ain't respondin' => ** Dear Chatters, if someone ain't respondin' to ya messages, they might be busy, in a private convo, or maybe just don't wanna chat with ya. **
- Treatin' each other with respect => ** Chats are more fun when we treat everyone with respect. **
- Keep da chat chill! => ** Dear Chatters, ya can't win or lose a fight in da chat, so why bother? Keep da chat chill! **
- Cursin' with KK => ** Da abbreviation KK stands for a serious disease. Outta respect for those who've lost loved ones to this disease, its use is prohibited. Please keep that in mind! **
- Unknowingly promotin' other chat site => ** Dear chatter, it ain't allowed to mention other chat sites' names, dat gets ya banned. Please remember that for next time! **
- VPN => ** Comin' back even when ya ban's still valid. Mind ya! If ya try ta game our ban system, ya might end up not bein' able ta come to da chat at all. **
- Change ya room name! => ** Dear Chatter, da room name ya chose ain't allowed, please pick another one. Thanks in advance. **
- Change ya username! => ** Dear Chatter, da chat name ya chose ain't allowed, please log in with another name. Thanks in advance. **
- Typin' in Dutch => ** Dear Chatters, please type in Dutch, or go to da International room. Please type in Dutch or go to da International room! **
- Loggin' in as the opposite gender => ** Dear Chatters, it ain't allowed ta log in as a member of da opposite gender, please remember that. **
- Usin' hard drugs on cam => ** Dear Chatter, usin' hard drugs on webcam ain't allowed, so keep it outta sight! **
- Discriminatory remarks or jokes =>** Dear Chatters, discriminatory remarks or jokes ain't allowed on, please remember that! **
- Showin' third-party photos, videos, and/or webcams =>** Dear Chatters, it ain't allowed ta show photos or videos, or webcams of third parties on Further violations result in a ban! **
- Ignorin' moderator's questions or instructions => ** Dear Chatter, ignorin' a moderator's questions or instructions results in a kick, and repeated offenses lead ta a ban. Please remember that! **
Complaints about moderation (admins)
The moderator's almost always right. Of course, they might make a mistake sometimes and accidentally ban the wrong person. If ya been warned a few times already, complainin' probably won't help much.
A moderator ain't always obligated ta give a warnin'. If da violation's big enough, ya might get banned right away.
If ya suspect a moderator of bias/favoritism, ya can contact us via our contact page.
By using this site, ya agree to da terms and conditions. It states that has da right to monitor da chat and profiles for actions and texts that violate da law and/or da above rules. These checks can be automatic, manual, or via AI systems. Depending on da violation found; deletion, warning, kick, ban, permanent ban, or in serious cases, police reportin' may follow.